Conceptual Framework
Different health system frameworks were critically appraised and finally the health system framework suggested by WHO was adopted to assess the health system of Mizoram. The WHO framework suggests six building blocks: financing, health workforce, information, medical products and technologies, service delivery and leadership/ governance. Framework and Goals for health system of Mizoram state for the nextcoming three years is shown below:

Service Delivery
1.Ensure availability of adequate number of health facilities
2.Improve quality of services
Health workforce:
1.Establish a policy for Human Resources for health
2.Improve availability of Human Resources for health
3.Improve skills of health workers
Health information
1.Improve availability and access to health information
2.Streamline reporting channels
3.Improve use of data
Health financing:
1.Increase health expenditure 10% by the state govt.
2.Improve financial protection of vulnerable populations
Leadership/ governance
1.Foster stewardship in the health sector
2.Instilling managerial and leadership instincts in the health workforce
3.Improve community participation in governance
STRATEGIES: Strategies suggested accomplishing the set goals.
1.To meet the health services goals included, strengthening management capacity to monitor service delivery, implementing specialized health service packages, accreditation of health facilities to improve quality and establishing a health systems performance management unit.
2.To meet the Human Resources goals included, reviewing and developing comprehensive Human Resources policy and involving private sector for producing necessary trained human resources
3.To meet health information goals included, review of data reporting and use mechanisms, establishing a central data repository, implementing a performance management system in the form of a score-card, capacity building of senior managers and integration of Health Management information Systems with decision making process.
4.To meet the strategies of Health financing goals included, increasing the state outlay as percentage of Gross State Domestic Product, taking stock of the current expenditure pattern and aligning it to estimated burden of disease and ensuring financial inclusiveness in health care programmes.
5.To meet governance goals included, developing a comprehensive health policy, operationalizing community based organizations, encouraging innovation, improving community participation and capacity building of leaders through leadership development programmes.
6.To meet Medical technology goals included, increasing financial outlay for drugs, strengthening drug procurement and developing drug policy.
To meet the set goals/ outcomes we need to have access coverage through our activities and ensure quality safety as shown in the framework.